Anti-Wrinkle Injectables

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Anti-wrinkle injections can reduce the appearance of lines and creases caused by aging and repeated facial expressions. The procedure is fast, relatively painless, and can prevent new wrinkles from forming, with results lasting for several months.

Treatment Areas

  • Forehead
  • Frown Lines
  • Bunny Lines
  • Smile Lines (Crows Feet)
  • Smokers Lines
  • Lip Flip
  • Gummy Smile
  • Sad Corners of the mouth
  • Jawline Slimming
  • Pebble Chin
  • Neck-Platsymal Bands

Every anti-wrinkle treatment is different, since each patient may have different goals and skin needs.

This means the cost of your anti-wrinkle injections will depend on the details of your treatment plan, as discussed in your first meeting with us.

When thinking about undergoing this treatment, it is important to consider safety.

This means choosing an experienced and qualified professional to perform your treatment.

Some clinics may offer the treatment at a lower price as a means to draw patients in, but a lower-priced treatment may not have the same results.

At Natspa Aesthetics, Dr Arendse applies the most up-to-date techniques, using two well-known anti-wrinkle brands.

The costs can range from $6 to $16 per unit, and the number of units can vary based on which areas you wish to address.

Generally, it takes somewhere between 10 and 20 units of anti-wrinkle to produce the desired effects in a specific area.

For example, crow’s feet (wrinkles around the eyes) may require about 12 units.

Some patients may need more or less than this, depending on their skin condition, requirements, health, and which areas they wish to address.

When outlining costs, we will consider your personal situation and needs, developing a treatment plan that best suits you. After this, we will be able to provide a more detailed estimate of costs.